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Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Learn from the past...move on..

As we are nearing the end of 2012… no end of the world… and on the verge of a new year, many of us will take resolutions to make some amends and hope to change their lives for the better.

While envisioning a new future, we must retrospect and explore what are the plans that have been left incomplete and try to understand the why. Don’t rationalize because we will end up finding excuses or reasons supposedly beyond our control. Fact is, we have always been in control but we surrender to the ego who persuaded us to believe that it was not our fault …it was someone else or the environment around us. Questions to be asked:

Have we taken enough actions to achieve our objectives?

Were our actions effective and brought the expected results?

How can we improve ourselves and what are the skills we need to invest more time and effort?

Make a plan of all the measures that we will need to take in order to grow and live to our great potential that is inherent in each of us. Let us believe in our capacity for development and ability to be of better service to others.

Let’s start anew and commend to make 2013 the best year of our life ……up to NOW.

“I acknowledge my past mistakes, learn from them, choose the correct path, and move on…for I deserve to have and enjoy prosperity and affluence in my life.”

Live In Bliss